How to prepare your horse for its Thermal Imaging Inspection
Because a thermal inspection works on heat, there is very little preparation that is required before the examination takes place. However, we would ask that the following points are observed, as this will enable us to obtain clearer images.
- Clean Horse with all dirt removed
- Pick out feet and brush clean
- Remove all bandages or boots at least 2 hours before the inspection
- Remove all blankets and rugs. This is important as the thermal camera works by identifying areas of abnormal heat
- No liniment / heat rubs / cold hosing on the day of the inspection
- Do not touch, stroke or brush the horse during the examination on the areas that are being inspected. The heat from your hands or the friction of the brush will show up as anomalies in the thermal camera.
- On horses that have recently been clipped a white patch will be visible in the thermal image.
- If possible, we would prefer to examine the horse in it's own stable or an enclosed area where it feels comfortable. The infrared camera works on emitted heat, so the level of light in the stable is irrelevant. If however, this is not possible we will examine the horse outside.
The service that we offer is to inspect your horse using an thermal infrared camera and we will provide you with images of the results and help you to interpret them. However, please be aware that the camera will only show up heat anomalies that are visible at the time of the inspection.